
TheraTogs are a live-in exo-muscular system for neuromotor, postural, and sensory training. The typical system includes a two –piece garment worn under the clothes and against the skin like underwear. The pants garment – which we call the “Hipster” – is designed with wide openings for easy toileting, so you don’t have to remove the system to go to the bathroom.

Each system is uniquely configured by a rehab clinician to meet a client’s specific needs. Using the documentation provided (and DVD, if included) the clinician instructs the are giver(s) in the proper donning of the garments, and the proper placement of strap(s). The clinician typically starts with just the garments for an initial period, then adds strapping application(s) over time. In short, TheraTogs systems provide a versatile, flexible approach to addressing and managing a wide range of mobility, sensory input, and stability issues.


Progressive Therapy – By Design

TheraTogs garment and strapping systems are so versatile, so customizable, and can be so immediately effective that we understand the temptation to correct many problems at once and to ask caretakers to follow through. Please do not try to do so.

In the course of a single therapy session, therapists often wish they had more hands to bring to their efforts to train the client to function in improved postural and limb alignment. We are thrilled to be able to provide these clinicians with those “extra hands” in the form of a Velcro-sensitive garment set and assorted straps.

However, when it comes to designing strapping systems that will continue successful treatments at home by providing the massed practice needed for sensorimotor learning, we suggest that clinicians use TheraTogs progressively.

Product Brochure (PDF)

TheraTogs for Clinic Use

TheraTogs Clinical Starter Systems (CSS) allow any rehab team to explore TheraTogs solutions as a standard of care for all of their clients. Sold directly to US clinics and practitioners, the CSS contains basic TheraTogs components in multiple sizes, and allows your clinic or practice to:

  • Trial a TheraTogs application on any patient in your caseload to determine how it can improve your clinical outcomes
  • Experiment with strapping applications in support of clinical objectives
  • Support other therapy modalities during the clinical session with the “extra hands” TheraTogs provide
  • Demonstrate TheraTogs results to caregivers and train them in TheraTogs applications

TheraTogs for Clients

TheraTogs client systems are designed to be customized, trimmed, and fitted to an individual wearer. They are normally worn next to the skin, under normal garments, where the patented foam layer can gently grip the soft tissues and create the biomechanical changes that are unique to TheraTogs systems.

TheraTogs are sized by a combination of weight and body dimensions, expressed in a range;  each size of each product fits all wearers within that range.

Product Sizing Chart

BOUNCE MEDICAL TheraTogs Product Sizing Chart

TheraTogs by Indications

Not every patient (ae. child with CP) will present with the exact same indications.

Diagnosis A diagnosis means to ‘know more’ or to determine. A diagnosis requires a medical history, a physical examination, tests or diagnostic measures (blood analyses, MRI, CT scans, etc.). Examples of a diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy (CP), Down Syndrome, epilepsy, dystonia etc.

Indications Indication is a symptom or particular circumstance. Indications provide the therapist a clue, a cue or prompts the therapist to intervene in a specific way. Examples of indications: hypotonia, anterior center of mass, muscle weakness, etc.

For this indication… Select one of these systems…
Flexible spinal kyphosis PTA Full Body Wunzi
Lumbar lordosis PTA Full Body Wunzi
Hypotonia PTA Full Body Wunzi
Flexible torso, pelvic, or hip joint malalignments PTA Full Body
Deformity-promoting scapular and UE joint postures PTA Full Body
Shoulder pain due to mal-alignment PTA Full Body
Positioning for osseous LE deformity prevention (torsion abnormalities) in infants and young children Full Body Lower Extremity
Post-operative Intrathecal Baclofen pump stabilization PTA Full Body
Sleep disturbances, wakefulness PTA Full Body Wunzi


For this indication… Select one of these systems… 
Scissoring gait – mild to moderate Full Body
In-toeing, out-toeing, or windblown gait Full Body Lower Extremity
Mal-alignment of hip joint Full Body Lower Extremity
Flexible foot pronation or supination Full Body Lower Extremity
Genu varum or genu valgum Full Body Lower Extremity
Knee hyperextension Full Body Lower Extremity
Functional ankle equinus Ankle DFA
Drop foot Ankle DFA
Flexible foot pronation or supination Ankle DFA
For this indication… Select one of these systems… 
Mal-alignment of scapulae, shoulder girdle, or humerous PTA Full Body
ROM deficits in scapulae, shoulder girdle, or humerous PTA Full Body
Shoulder pain or post-fracture discomfort Full Body
Post-surgical weakness or discomfort Full Body
Positioning for osseous UE deformity prevention (torsion deficits) in infants and young children Full Body
Elbow flexion or extension deviations Full Body
Forearm pronation or supination deviations Full Body
Functional thumb or wrist deviations Wrist & Thumb
For these specific Clinical Objectives… Select these systems…
Flexion and Hip Lateral Rotation Assist Wunzi
Hip Abduction control with lateral rotation Wunzi + Limb Kit
Hip Extension with Hip Abduction and Lateral Rotation (6 to 24 months) Wunzi + Limb Kit
Hip Extension with Hip Abduction and Lateral Rotation (birth to 6 months) Wunzi
Iliopsoas Muscle Assist Wunzi + Limb Kit
Lumbar Extension with Hip Flexion, Abduction & Lateral Rotation Wunzi + Limb Kit
Shorten and Assist Abdominal Muscles: Position and sensory awareness Wunzi
Spinal Extension Assist (birth to 6 months) Wunzi
Spinal Extension Assist w/ abdominal strapping (6 to 24 months) Wunzi + Limb Kit
Spinal Flexion Wunzi
Spinal Flexion with abdominal assist Wunzi + Limb Kit
Stabilize Scapula w/ Upper trunk extension (6 to 24 months) Wunzi + Limb Kit
Stabilize Scapula w/ Upper trunk extension (birth to 6 months)
For this indication… Select one of these systems… 
Autism spectrum deficits in body control, attention, or coordination PTA SI/SMD Wunzi
SPD spectrum deficits in body control, attention, or coordination PTA SI/SMD Wunzi
Staggering or ataxic gait PTA SI/SMD
Standing balance deficits due to cerebellar dysfunction PTA SI/SMD

WATCH: TheraTogs Mom


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