TheraTogs are a live-in exo-muscular system for neuromotor, postural, and sensory training. The typical system includes a two –piece garment worn under the clothes and against the skin like underwear. The pants garment – which we call the “Hipster” – is designed with wide openings for easy toileting, so you don’t have to remove the system to go to the bathroom.
Each system is uniquely configured by a rehab clinician to meet a client’s specific needs. Using the documentation provided (and DVD, if included) the clinician instructs the are giver(s) in the proper donning of the garments, and the proper placement of strap(s). The clinician typically starts with just the garments for an initial period, then adds strapping application(s) over time. In short, TheraTogs systems provide a versatile, flexible approach to addressing and managing a wide range of mobility, sensory input, and stability issues.